
A pokemon pokedex in markdown format

Project maintained by doctorfree Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


All Pokémon have six statistics (能力, Nōryoku, “Attribute”) which affect their performance in battle. These are HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. These statistics can be temporarily modified during battle by Abilities, items, and moves.

There are also two other statistics, Accuracy (命中率, Meichūritsu) and Evasiveness (回避率, Kaihiritsu), which are not affected when Pokémon level up. No Pokémon has innately higher Accuracy or Evasiveness than any other, but they can be modified during battle like other statistics. Increasing Accuracy makes a move more likely to hit while increasing Evasiveness makes the opponent’s move more likely to miss. A Pokémon’s Accuracy, the opponent’s Evasiveness, and the accuracy value of a given move affect the probability that the move will hit. Evasiveness was called “Evade” in the first generation and “Evasion” in the second.

In Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, both the Special Attack and Special Defense stats were a single stat, named the “Special” stat, which determined both power with and resistance against special attacks.

When Pokémon level up, their statistics increase, as determined by the Pokémon’s base stat values, effort values, Pokémon Nature, and individual values. These variables working in tandem provide each Pokémon with its unique stats.

Pokémon Stats

Id Damage class id Identifier Is battle only Game index
1   hp 0 1
2 2 attack 0 2
3 2 defense 0 3
4 3 special-attack 0 5
5 3 special-defense 0 6
6   speed 0 4
7   accuracy 1  
8   evasion 1  

See also