The Broken Hearts Club Rule number one at the Broken Hearts Club is that blurting your tale of woe out to a rapidly disinterested stranger at a bar is not a very good idea. The BHCTM additionally advises that letting first-date salmon cool whilst telling your increasingly horrified datee about the vagaries and bathing habits of your former love is also not a very good idea. And finally, the BHCTM wishes to remind you that scratching your name with a key into the hood of the former loved one's new Jaguar is the worst idea of all--especially if you're still paying the insurance on the damn thing.
We here at BHCTM headquarters instead advocate a pure and total gut-spilling. A purge, if you will, of the bilge and silt that builds up when the dam gates of a heart are broken. A one-shot bulimic vent of all of that sadness and sorrow you so greedily ate up when your former became latter.
No need to sit around in an uncomfortable circle, perched on a plastic chair with a cup of vending machine coffee in one scalded hand and a dying plant harboring the community room's corner while a perky professional who has clearly never had more of life's distress than a pimple on prom night encourages you to "share." Hell with that.
Gut it out to us, just as you are, whether sitting in filthy underwear in an untidy room with one crooked Kurt Cobain poster on the wall as your only decoration or fancily suited with a lonely Versace mouse adorning your computer. Man-oh-man, have we been there too.
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