Til You Drop
Shop Around the Block I'm standing down a long row of dresses from Simpson as she works like a sorting machine through the rich-folk discards at the Salvation Army in Marin County, CA--the wealthiest county in the wealthiest state in the wealthiest nation in the world. We have each driven from our distinct, less affluent, counties to shop here--precisely to find what rich folks will discard.
"Ding!" she chimes happily. After a scant three minutes of silent rummaging, the only noise she has created since we greeted and hugged has been the slide of hangers efficiently moving as she sharks quickly through the merchandise.
"Anne Klein," she reports. "Fifty cents."
"It's only cute if you keep the price tag on," I critically reply.
Armed with this opinion, she once again looks at the garment, nods in agreement, and continues her search. Two hours later we emerge, our hair all sticky-uppy from pulling the clothes on over our heads while standing by the racks. Our new garments are folded neatly into old grocery bags, and the change from scant $10 bills rests in our wallets. We're set: two sweaters, one new skirt each, three dresses that will fit Simpson's infant daughter in at least a year's time, a blue Gap dress that needs dry cleaning, and one funky old hat with sagging red peonies on a black velvet brim that I have insisted on buying even after witnessing the affront of her wrinkled nose.
We have barely exchanged a word, yet each would surely say that we have had a wonderful afternoon together. And we most certainly do agree that it's time to hit the Bargain Box.
Where do you find what to wear? Unless you are a solipsistic self-employed nudist who mail orders every item and lives in year-round warm weather, chances are good that you'll eventually need to clothe that bod. What do you do when that time comes inevitably 'round? Let us in on your favorite spots, the best dressing rooms, and those stores with the rose-pink lighting whose proprietors can't even spell those terrible words: three-way mirror.
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