Cyber-love Affair (cont'd)

The night before I leave, I open a program on my computer that I access about once or twice a year, when the spirit moves me. I've had it for a long time and it has always been helpful to me. It is based on the I Ching, the Chinese book of changes. It discusses the meaning of things in one's life and tries to provide guidance for what is really going on. I consider myself to be a very rational, skeptical, and scientific person, but this program has been so accurate and helpful to me in the past that I have come to trust its guidance. I ask it:

    Will I have a life together with Marci, my love?

And this is its response:

    Hard Times
    The image: a dried up lake bed with nettlesome crows stalking the shoreline. Hard times shrivel our spirits, and bring out a multitude of "crows" (troublesome worries). To endure hard times--or even grow and benefit from them--It is essential to tap the wellspring of human endurance: hope.

The reading goes on and on, each sentence, each image more bleak than the last. I am really shocked. I had expected the program to extend its best wishes to me, to encourage me towards my goal, but this? Outraged, I slam the keys and repeat the question, thinking: this is a mistake.

    Will I have a life together with Marci, my love?


    A positive aspect of even the most difficult obstacle is that it may cause a person to turn inward, and gain greater depth and character. Through this type of introspection, obstacles become a means for personal growth and self-discovery.

No no no no no! I do not want this answer! I scream. I am so upset. I cannot believe what is happening! I don't even believe any of this oracle crap, but it has become so important that someone or at least something else agree with me and share my enthusiasm that I am yelling at my computer, trying to argue it into another response. I had never even asked the same question of the program twice but now I hit the keys wildly and asked yet a third time.

    Will I have a life together with Marci, my love?


    In every life, all is not what it seems. The image: A hall of mirrors. Intrigues are multiplying like summer flies, and there are rumors of discontent. It is the time of illusion, of disintegration, deception. A season of the witch.

    When you find yourself trapped in a hall of mirrors, sometimes it is necessary to retrace your steps. Return to the familiar; take solace in what is firm and secure. There is no blame in holding back; indeed, it is your responsibility to keep your strength intact for the period of resurrection, which follows the period of disintegration as surely as dawn follows the night.

I am so frightened. It is bad enough to feel completely out of control, planning a trip into the unknown, leaving my home and work and children for what? A fantastic dream? Are the gods just laughing hysterically at me? Is my own neediness pushing me beyond every limit of good sense I have ever known? Season of the witch! Holy shit, I think, it's not going to give up. I could throw the computer through the window. This machine has connected me to the person I searched for my whole life and now it wants to take it all away. No, it won't. This is really a test, I think. This is a test of whether I will be strong enough to follow through, to follow the deepest stirrings of my heart and imagination. I know that if I don't go, that I would never be able to forgive myself, no matter what awaits me when I exit the boarding tunnel.

I write all of this down and I send it ahead to the woman I am going to meet. And I add these lines:

    "I will accept life as it comes to me and give thanks for the gifts I have been given, even if I cannot keep them, even if they vanish from my life. If sadness is to follow, so be it, I will accept my life as it presents itself, but I will not give up, I will not give in to despair. I will not withdraw nor withhold love under any circumstance. Without arrogance, I will remain true to my ideals and integrity. I will remain faithful to my love for this woman in the face of life's greatest disappointments even as it offers me its greatest blessings. I pray that I will prove worthy of her love for me and that we are able to attain the happiness we seek together.

The next morning I am much more calm but still frightened. My neighbor drives me to the airport. He is very concerned when I tell him what I am doing. When he drops me off he wishes me well and asks jokingly, "How do you know she's not really a guy?"

"If she is," I say, "then maybe I'm gay."

I check in, get my pass, and board the plane. When the wheels leave the ground, I give a long sign of relief. I am really on my way. No turning back now.

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