Rob News


A Do-It-Yourself prophecy. Instructions: Vote for your favorite doomsday scenario. Print this page and fill it out, using numbers to indicate your order of preference. Send your entry to Hype-ocalypse Now!, P.O. Box 761, Petaluma, CA 94953.

___A new ice age

___Destruction of ozone layer

___Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes

___Genocide of the imagination

___Holy War waged by entranced, celibate teenage boys

___Virus from outer space

___Virus from inner space

___Universal drug addiction

___Mass starvation

___Takeover by beautiful monsters created by genetic engineering

___Discovery of how to make gold easily and cheaply, resulting in excessive wealth

___Explosions of uncontrollable mass guilt

___Terrifying, contagious superstitions spread by apocalyptic pop-prophecy

___Insects take over

___Making the world safe for narcissism

___Multinational corporate criminals unite the whole world into one nation

___Human love affairs with germs

___Extraterrestrial sports event that requires an ocean of human genetic material

___Cataclysmic degeneration of language

___Fluoridated, AIDS-inducing LSD in water supplies

___Too much leisure time

___Revolt of super-intelligent computers that can talk to the Goddess

___Stupidity becoming popular

___Mass hypnosis by evil religious leaders

___Overabundance of lawyers

___President goes berserk after Syrian terrorists systematically murder top five highest paid movie stars and basketball players

___Essential natural resources run out

___Universal addiction to virtual sex results in accidental mass suicide through excessive masturbation

___Melting of polar caps due to greenhouse effect

___Pollution-enhanced sunsets seduce millions into staring constantly into the sun, causing mass blindness

___CIA-trained psychic warriors administer mass shock treatments via telepathy

___Mass boycott of opinion polls

___Earth hit by comet, asteroid, or mini-black hole

___Incredibly wealthy philanthropists give everyone in the world $50,000

___Sun goes supernova

___Wise person becomes world leader

___Dramatic breakthroughs in halting the aging process lead to such terrible overcrowding that everyone hates each other

___The devil possesses everyone in the world

___Lethal proliferation of dangerous images

___Nuclear war





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