Original Sins

And some we've surely heard before

Last month, we railed mightily against the continued dumbing-down of the National Endowment for the Arts. We asked you to counter with some sins of your own--the sex act excluded. We got spouses, bien sur, as well as the power of opening your mouth to speak the truth, and at least one good reason why this Bud may not be for you.

This is not my original sin, per se--it's just one of those corporate sins that piss me off:

Beer commercials that show two guys using their last dollars to buy a six-pack of beer instead of gas for their truck. Then they push their truck down a hot desert road. . . .

Well, if that isn't spoken like a true alcoholic. . .

I'd rather die in the desert with a beer in my hand than put gas in my truck. . . .

My name: Melva--go ahead,
use it, see if I care!

A picture of me dancing in the light . . . without a beer, thank you very much.

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