Fruits 'n' Veggies

Pear Salad

You don't need an extraordinary amount of lettuce to support this savory salad, one that is so good that I am now damned to prepare it for the eons at every family gathering at which my mother is present.

    Roughly half a bag of those expensive spring salad mixes that feature Italian greens, nasturiums, and whatever happened to fall off the organic gardener's coveralls during picking (a head of regular ole butter lettuce will also do)
    1/2 a wedge of Cambozola, crumbled bleu, Stilton, or some other stinky cheese
    1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
    1 firm, ripe pear, diced
    1/2 cup dried cranberries or cherries


In her glamorous dotage, my grandmother hired a series of beautiful young women from Lyons, her "French girls," to stay with her and teach her their native tongue. She lived on in a happy elegant ignorance while these generally unhappy jeune filles caught various American-borne STD's, wept over cruel local men (my uncles among them), and just generally refused to speak French. I fell in love with one, Marielle, when I was 11. This is her dressing.

    1 tsp dijon mustard
    1 T balsamic vinegar
    1 clove garlic, chopped
    salt and fresh pepper
    3 T best-quality olive oil

Add the ingredients in the order listed, mixing all except the olive oil. When the mustard-based mixture is well incorporated, slowly drizzle in the oil, stirring with a fork constantly. The texture you are looking for is a thick luster. When you acheive that, stop whether you've used all the oil or more than the 3 tablespoons. Fresh chopped basil or dill is wonderful in this, incorporate before adding the oil.

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