
A pokemon pokedex in markdown format

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Name Index
MissingNo 000

MissingNo (Japanese: けつばん), short for “Missing Number” and sometimes spelled with a period, is an unofficial Pokémon species found in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue. Due to the programming of certain in-game events, players can encounter MissingNo via a glitch. It is noted as one of the most famous video game glitches of all time.

Encountering MissingNo causes graphical anomalies and changes gameplay by increasing the number of items in the sixth entry of the player’s inventory by 128. This beneficial effect resulted in the glitch’s coverage by strategy guides and game magazines, while game publisher Nintendo warned that encountering the glitch may corrupt players’ game data. IGN noted MissingNo’s appearance in Pokémon Red and Blue was one of the most famous video game glitches and commented on its role in increasing the series’ popularity. Fans have attempted to rationalize and incorporate MissingNo as part of the games’ canon as an actual in-game character, and sociologists have studied its impact on both players and gaming culture as a whole.

MissingNo is not one of the official Pokémon species that players are meant to encounter, but it is accessible to players of European and North American copies of the games by a glitch. Nintendo of America first documented the events that cause MissingNo to appear in the May 1999 issue of Nintendo Power. The company warned that “any contact with it (even if you don’t catch it) could easily erase your game file or disrupt your graphics”. Game developers did not remove several glitches from the 2016 re-releases of Pokémon Red and Blue on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, and players can encounter MissingNo in these versions of the games.


A player can encounter a MissingNo in Pokémon Red and Blue by following a series of steps. First, the player watches an in-game tutorial for Pokémon capture in the game’s Viridian City location. Second, the player uses a Pokémon with the “Fly” ability to instantly travel to the game’s Cinnabar Island location. Finally, the player uses a Pokémon with the “Surf” ability to travel up and down the eastern shore of the island until a MissingNo appears.

These events manipulate the game’s random encounter system to generate a Pokémon with an invalid identifier. Each area within the game assigns values to a data buffer to represent the Pokémon that can be encountered in that area. However, some areas—such as Cinnabar Island—do not overwrite the data in this buffer, so the data from the previous area is used instead. During the Viridian City in-game tutorial, the player character’s name is temporarily overridden to read “OLD MAN”, and the player character’s actual name is temporarily copied to that same data buffer. If the player travels directly to Cinnabar Island after viewing this tutorial, the player character’s name will be read as the Pokémon that can be randomly encountered in that area. Due to the player character’s name not being intended to be read as this kind of data, the game can attempt to generate an encounter with a Pokémon with an invalid identifier, such as MissingNo Fans have dubbed this method of encountering MissingNo the “old man glitch”.

As with any wild Pokémon, players may flee from, fight, or capture MissingNo. After an encounter with MissingNo, the quantity of the sixth item in the player’s inventory is increased by 128, and the game’s Hall of Fame Pokémon gallery becomes glitched. Temporary graphical glitches may also occur, which can be removed by viewing the statistics page for another non-glitched Pokémon or resetting the console.

A captured MissingNo is functional as a Pokémon and appears in the games’ Pokédex as number 000. The games classify it as a hybrid Bird/Normal-type Pokémon even though the category of Bird-type Pokémon was cut from the games before release. It commonly appears with a scrambled block-like form commonly described as a “backward L-shape”, but depending on the player character’s name, it can also appear as one of three ghost or fossil sprites not used by other Pokémon.


Hit Points Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Total
undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined
Species Id Height dm Weight hg Base Experience

See also