Phillips University suspended classes, filed for bankruptcy and padlocked its doors in the Summer of 1998. Some facts about Phillips University:
Ronnie can still sing the Phillips University Alma Mater.
While at PU, Saint Reginald was required to study Our Christian Heritage and Biblical Literature. This came in real handy when, later, Ronald decided to read Faulkner.
The townsfolk of Enid, Oklahoma (where Phillips is located) all thought the Professors were a bunch of atheists and they referred to the students as choir boys. When a bunch of us "choir boys" marched on the Garfield County Courthouse in support of the Vietnam War Moratorium, we were pelted with beer cans from the back of pickup trucks. All in all, i received a splendid education at Phillips.
Another graduate of Phillips University is Jim Smith. Ronnie and Jim worked together in the Phillips University Computer Center (or was it called the Data Processing Center ?). Anyway, Jim pointed out to Ronnie that there is a site for e-mail addresses of former PU students.
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